
Zilch is similar to Farkle dice game which is played with 6 six-sided dice and the aim is to score 10000 to win the game. In each turn player rolls dice and sets aside at least one scoring dice. After that player continues to roll remaining dice. Once a player has scored a minimum of 300 points, he is allowed to bank the points and either pass the turn to next player or simply continue rolling the dice. If a player rolls no scoring dice at any point, that is called a zilch and player loses all points made during that turn. It does not make any impact on the points scored in previous turns.

More details of scoring options are provided in the game itself.

Attribution: Provided by playr.co.uk

Game Controls

Use mouse to click various options. Alternatively folloiwng shortcut keys can also be used.
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6 = Click on the first/second/third/etc dice
  • A/S/D = Click on the first/second/third score option
  • R = roll the dice (on your turn)
  • B = bank your points (on your turn)
  • Enter = Close the tutorial window (if open)